October 21, 2024

2 thoughts on “Zine #68 – BBQ Sauce Weigh in

  1. Finally got connected long enough to get this far on your post. Careful with that rapid weight loss. Could be the reason you got sick. Did you ever get your Radio Shack headphones hooked up? Hey, I believe you can substitute honey for molasses if you add certain ingredients. I just don’t know that much about BBQ sauces.

    1. I know all about weight loss. All those years on the weight management program in the military made me an expert. Besides, I did not lose all the weight until after I was sick. I just didn’t feel like eating very much. When you are way overweight, you usually lose a lot of weight at the beginning and then it gets harder later.
      I don’t have any honey either, but I think I’m going to try to go without either for now. I don’t need or want all that sweetness anyway.

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