October 19, 2024

9 thoughts on “Zine Entry #27 – Calbayog to Angeles

  1. Just FYI, we drove from Manila to Matnog where you catch the ferry to Allen, Samar. Total time was around 18 hours to Allen, and another 1.5 hours to our Barangay.

  2. I think do it once for the experience and then fly next time… Long ride,flight is not much more expensive, but you can carry more pasalubong on the bus.

    1. Well John that is exactly what our plan was. We wanted to go to a military installation, go to the commissary and bring back some things we can not get here. I am now trying to talk Lita into taking a plane there, then taking a bus back. It was a bit adventurous but it’s hard on my ass. Of course the bus we returned on had much better seats than the one we went up on, so it was a little better.
      I think that this is your first comment on this site. At least it is with this e-mail address. Thanks for commenting and I hope to hear more from you on things. I can use some help at times.

  3. Our bike club took a roro over from Luzon to Marinduque. My first ferry ride, not so bad going there but it was packed on the way back so if I was on a bus, probably would have wanted to sleep on it as well. But then a few weeks back, a roro sank and if you were on the bus, dont know if you would be able to get off in time. These ferries sink like a stone.

    1. Maybe that’s why they don’t really like people to be on the bus during the ferry ride. It was not so crowded on our ride back, but it was in the wee hours of the morning.

      1. John, for the purpose of safety, people are generally not allowed to remain in the loading bay. Vehicles are usually packed so tight that it makes exiting a vehicle almost impossible if something were to happen (fire, capsize, etc.) It’s just safer to be topside.

        1. I figured that, but I also noticed that our driver stayed with us. I know he is not a passenger. Anyway we made it through all that and I did get some sleep I needed. Lita had been sleeping about the whole trip thanks to her motion sickness pills.

  4. Hey John just want to say hello and let you know we made it back to states after 3hr delay in Korea. Missed flight to San Diego so airline had to book us on another flight that left us hanging around LAX for 4hrs. Made it to San Diego at midnight and had to take Nila to hospital for check-up as soon as we arrived. She had went to doctor in Calbayog a week or so before we left because she thought she might have blockage in vein of her leg because it was hurting her. Doctor said he could not tell because they did not have equipment to check and she had to go to Manila. So he gave her meds to help until we arrived back in states. They kept her over night and ran a bunch of test but could not find problem so now she has to follow up with family doctor for more test. Good to hear you made it back from your trip. Bus rides in the Philippines can be an adventure specilly during storms. Nila says high to you and Lita and hope everthing is fine there.

    1. Howdy George. Glad to hear you made it back, each of y’all in 1 piece. I hope Nila will be okay. She’s a tough old bird so she probably will.
      Yeah we are back from Angeles, but we did not get accomplished what we wanted to. We did do some other things and found out some more things though. All that will be in future posts.
      The first part of our bus trip was during a lightning storm, so I know what you mean on that.
      We are all fine here. Will be glad when y’all are back. Stay safe until then.

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