September 19, 2024

7 thoughts on “Tuesday – 12 Oct 2010

  1. Can you possibly add a map? I think it would help out a lot. When you talk about the different places there, if a map were inserted each time, the reader (me) would understand better! :o)

  2. Maybe you can try to put together a compost heap. Just organic material, no animal matter. With all the rain, it should work well.

    1. Maybe, we’ll see what happens. I am not the best farmer in the world. Most everything I plant dies. Figure I have to try again sometime, so since I’m so bored, I’ll try anything. I need those jalapenos though. We have some in the can, but it’s just not the same.

      1. One thing you might want to try for fertilizer is seaweed off the beach,in alaska it is used quite often with good results.I had the same problem when
        i was living in subic for three years,getting bored can drive you crazy I purchased a motor bike and that helped alot to get out and go for a drive.
        I have one in Samar i have driven between Tarangdan and Calbayog alot and is very safe by yourself,stoped to talk with the locals all very nice people.

        1. I’m seriously thinking of getting a motor bike, but I’ve never ridden one before. A mountain bike would be better for me, so I can get that exercise. Just getting a good one that won’t collapse on me is the concern I have. That’s why I’ll be looking in Tacloban in about 2 1/2 weeks to see the cost and workmanship. Of course with the motor bike, I can go a lot further distances, normally.

          1. Let me correct myself. I have ‘ridden’ one, just not ‘driven’ one. Mountain bike would be better for me still. Motor bike more exciting.

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