October 19, 2024

10 thoughts on “Thursday – 3 Feb 2011

  1. Hows it goin down there my freind. I will be comming back to calbayog soon to see my fiance again. Want to stay much longer this time but will need a visa to stay the 59 days allowable as a visitor. Hope your gout isnt acting up too much and the meds are helping. I wonder if you can do me a small favor. If at all possible can you limp over tot he ceriaco and ask how much they will charge me for a 19 day stay in the month of march. They know me now becuase of my last stay.(blair groves). Im just tryin to price my next trip or maybe should split the stay between ceriaco and marju krisel. ty in advance for any help you can offer. ingat and care for that gout my freind.

    1. Blair I was wondering how much you paid at the Ceriaco
      and what did you think of the place.How was the food.
      Thanks for any info.

      1. We paid just over 7500 p for five nites. The hotel was great. nice and clean , very helpfull staff and the restaurant very good. they have the chef from the manila hotel working for them now. I would definatly recommend this hotel to anyone. Although it is still under construction and the ocean part of the hotel is very unfinished. Still well worth the $$.

      2. the hotel was great. By far the nicest in calbayog and surrounding areas. Food in the restaurant was very good too. Helpfull staff and very clean. Still under constuction but have limited rooms available. Price i paid in january for five nites was about 7500p.I would recommend this hotel to anyone and seeing manny paquio is staying there feb13, it muxt be good enough for international types.

    2. When I arrived in the PI, we got our Visa at the airport, no need to go through all the red tape of getting one. They just asked us how long we were staying, we told them, they stamped the Visa in our passport and we paid them there.
      When we got to Calbayog, I was worried (I’m a worry wart sometimes) that the Visa was not a ‘balikbayan visa’, so we had someone that does Visa work for a living (works at Embassy) and he said it was good to go.
      The “special” rate at the hotel is until the end of the first quarter (March), so you are getting here at a good time to take advantage of that. For a 19 day stay in March, 1 bed, is P34,200. Double beds would be P45,562.
      I’m suppose to be going downtown today, so if I do, I’ll try to remember to stop by Marju Krisel and get their rates also.
      As far as the gout goes, I’m trying really hard to remember to take my medication every morning and so far, no problem.

      1. hi again john. ty so much for the info. I cant wait to get back there. I will see you in march for sure. Did you get any rates for the marju krisel? Although i think it might be cheaper i would prefer i think to stay at the ceriaco and just go pay for the use of the pool at marjukrisel. Its nice for a day there. anyways take care john. Take your MEDS !!!

        1. Yes I did get the rate for the Marju Krisel..I will be posting them tomorrow.
          You’re right it is much cheaper. It is a bit further down the road than I figured though. About a 10 minute ride it seemed in the traffic.
          The most expensive room at the Marju Krisel is P1050 with free use of the pool and the fitness center. Unless you need it now, I will post the remaining room rates in tomorrow’s post.
          Don’t forget to rate the Ciriaco at Travelocity or where ever you were going to do it. I gave it a review at Virtual Tourist and also one for the Marju Krisel. I never stayed at either, and I so stated, but I gave them the current rates and a few other details.
          For the Ciriaco I made sure to tell them about the wonderful BBQ place across the street.
          Meds taken. I’m making a big effort to remember everyday. I told Lita that even if she has to ask me 2 or 3 times a day, it’s okay..I want to be sure.
          See ya in March.

          1. Yes i wrote reviews in expedia and also virtual tourist of the H2O hotel in manila and also The Cerriace. And your right about the BBQ across the street from ceriaco. Nice treat for sure late at nite. Not to sure about the chicken intestine on a stick. The gf is ok with it but i just could not bring myself to put it near my mouth. sorry. hehe. I think i might split my trip between the ceriaco and the marju krisel. Im sure the rooms at the marju will not compare to ceriaco but its just to sleep in anyways. the pool is very nice there and facilities for sure. talk again soon John. ingat…..

          2. Chicken intestines on a stick?? Whoever heard of something so absurd? It’s ‘pig’ intestines on a stick and they don’t get within 2 feet of my mouth.
            The BBQ pork on a stick is okay though. Oh and addition to selling the popular local “rhum”, we are also selling beer too, San Miguel and Red Horse (my favorite).

  2. Nah, I don’t know that much. The things I have on the blog are just what I copied from some Internet site.
    I just decided to put that in there because some people are interested in such things and it takes up more room on the post, so I won’t end up with one being too short.
    Thanks for reading and commenting America. I was wondering when you would say something. Ever since I found out that y’all have actually been reading the blog, I’ve been expecting a comment.

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