[smartads] I was really lazy this morning. I didn’t get out of bed until 11:16am. Of course it was 3:37am when I went to bed. I was up late typing the post for yesterday. After that I just had to take a shower, I was all sticky from sweating during the day. Again today I had to solicit information from others to have enough information to do a post today. I think I’ve collected enough to make it worth sitting here and typing. Let’s get started and we’ll see.
When I turned the computer off @ 3:10am, the hits were at 20018. This morning, about 8 1/2 hours later, they were at 20219. Now that’s not too bad, averaging about 23 hits per hour. Of course I’d like for it to be more like 123 hits per hour, but maybe I’ll get there someday.
Titing and Neneng had there supper at our picnic table outside tonight with Lita. They are the ones that I got most of the information from to insert in this blog today.
We’ve got a new reader, that is not a relative. I was so happy to see the comment from Dandy Don, that I almost forgot to check my fantasy football teams today. He says he likes the blog too, so I guess I really must be doing something right even though sometimes it seems that it hardly anything at all. Just a bunch of goobly gosh. But as long as people keep reading, I’ll do my best to keep typing.
Titing had 2 mechanics working on the pos today. The only remaining problem that we know of is a small sound that still comes from the front right wheel. The mechanics seem to think that original Nissan bolts put on the wheels, instead of the Toyota parts on there now, will solve the problem. They gave it a test drive today and had it up to 100 kpm, without incident. Maybe pretty soon I can dispense with the pos name and it will be a real SUV then. I’ve got a small plastic Texas license plate with my name on it that I want to put in front of the seat where I always sit, passenger side, front seat. I don’t what to put that on there, or fly my Dallas Cowboy flag on the truck until it is not a pos anymore. Of course the Cowboys are playing like a bunch of pos’s right now. I still have faith, or more like hope.
I’ve been saying that after May of next year, we will be getting an additional P40,000 per month because the Pepsi trucks will be paid off then. Well as usual, there was a miscommunication. We will only be getting an additional P10,000 more per month. Unless there was another miscommunication and it is something different. Guess I won’t really know until June 2011 when we actually do get the money. I would like to know how much money it will be, for sure, but it really doesn’t matter right now. I trust Titing and Neneng, whatever they started giving us next June will be what it should be. But I’ll still talk to Lita tonight to try to get a clearer picture.
Tomorrow we will be going to Malajog Beach again. We plan to leave around 0800 and stay for only about 4 hours. In fact, I heard that we were not even going to be taking any food with us. Just going there to swim. I’ll bet that someone brings some kind of food though. I know that I will be bringing something to drink. I don’t think I could handle that long with something to drink. I did make the lemonade today, so I can bring some of that. I made that big container full of lemonade, then I poured it all into smaller bottles. I used the bottles that I had used to drink my Gatorade and my water. I just had to wash them out, fill them up and put them in the refrigerator. I’ll bring 3 or 4 of those.
Tomorrow is also election day throughout the Philippines. They are electing the Barangay Captains and Counselors. A Barangay Captain is the individual that is in charge of each barangay, kind of like a mayor, only on a smaller scale. A lot of people are waiting around for their “bribe” money. Politicians pay people here to vote for them. Not everyone takes the money, most do I’m afraid. I know someone that did get their money already this year. You know, even if I was going to vote for a certain person already, and they offered me money to vote for that person, I wouldn’t take the money. In fact, that might even cause me to swing my vote to someone else. But that’s just me. I guess I can understand it, to a degree, when you have nothing. I think that anyone that has a decent, steady income should decline to accept any money whatsoever for voting. Actually I think anyone, regardless of income should decline, but I seriously doubt that would ever happen.
Titing told me this evening that he is not positive that the Ciriaco will open on 8 November, as he previously told me. He said that that is what he was told, but he hasn’t heard anything else, and, to him, it doesn’t look like they will be done in time to open on that schedule.
I asked Titing tonight how far the airport was from our house because that Marju Krisel Hotel is suppose to be close to it. He guesstimated it was 7 km, which is about 4.35 miles. So that’s pretty close to what I guesstimated in yesterday’s post. I can’t believe ‘guesstimated’ didn’t come up with a little red line under it. Is that actually a real word? I thought it was a widely used ‘made up’ word.
I think we need to get 2 more rugs for the bed room. I’d like to have enough rugs so I won’t have to keep putting my shoes back on, just to walk to the other side of the bed. If I strategically place them around the bed, I should be able to accomplish that.
Yesterday I was talking to Grace on the computer. She was at an Internet cafe. After about 20 minutes, she said that she was hungry and needed to go eat. So she left and about 15 minutes later, another message from her Messenger ID popped up. By the time she got to her 3rd question, I knew she wasn’t her. What I mean is that who ever that person was on the computer, it wasn’t Grace. Grace had evidently forgotten to sign out of Messenger and someone else just jumped on there and wanted to ‘be my friend’. I told him/her, that I don’t think so, I don’t even know who you are. They offered me their own e-mail, but I declined. Finally I got rid of them, by saying bye and clicking off. So if you are signed in to something and it’s on a public computer, sign out before you leave. I told Grace about it, and unknown to me, Lita told her about it again about 15 minutes after I did. She told her while on the way back from church today.
Tagalog word of the day: tainga (ta-i-nga) means ear.
We had 2 brownouts today. The first one only lasted about 2 minutes. I heard a loud pop and then everything went out. About 20 minutes after those 2 minutes were up, they went out again. This time it lasted for about 4 hours. This wasn’t the normal brown out though. What had happen was a dump truck was driving down the road with his back up, and he hit and broke the electrical wires. That is what the pop was that I heard. Don’t know how they came on for those 20 minutes, maybe emergency back up or something. There were people all out in the street looking down the road. The security guard at the hotel went, with his gun, to check it out because the wire that goes into the hotel is the one that was hit. I didn’t know what was going on at the time, but Titing explained it to me later. Maybe what happen was they broke the wire, it caused a short 2 minute outage, and someone called the electric company to report it, so they turned the power off on this grid until it could be fixed (the 4 hours). That would make more sense than anything else.
I found out today why Eddie hasn’t been by to pick the tricycle up for the last 3 days. The brakes on the tricycle are not working properly. You really need those brakes here to drive a tricycle. You can’t be having to try to stop with your feet, that’s too dangerous around here and you have to stop and/or slow down way too often.
Well this turned into a pretty good post too. Another day that I almost didn’t do one, until I decided to talk to Titing and Neneng. I got just enough information to make this respectable.
I’ll still be striving to get more and better information in future days, and of course I will always do my best to make it as enjoyable as possible.
Philippine Trivia
55. Ma Mon Luk – credited to be the inventor of mami. He was a Cantonese immigrant who probably named the dish after his surname and the Chinese word for noodles which is mi.56. The first ice cream parlor in the Philippines was called Clarke’s Cafe located at Plaza Moraga in Binondo. It opened sometime in 1899. 57. Kristo the Tagalog name of bookmakers at cockfights. He’s called that because he poses like Jesus when he calls for bets and shouts the odds (arms extended like the Lord himself). 58. The first Greek fraternity in the Philippines is the University of the Philippines’ Upsilon Sigma Phi (established in 1918). It does not have any branches outside the UP system. Among its alumni are the preserved ex-President Ferdinand E. Marcos and his arch-nemesis, the late Senator Benigno ‘Ninoy Forever’ Aquino. The first sorority with a Greek name is Sigma Delta Phi, also at UP and sister sorority of Upsilon Sigma Phi, established in 1938. (Partly contributed by Butch Bandong.) 59. Davao City is the largest city in the Philippines with an area of 2,211 sq. km., about three times the size of Metro-Manila. 60. Manila Hotel is the first building to be air-conditioned. 61. Philippine Airlines’ first flight was from Manila to Baguio on March 15, 1941. The plane was a twin-engine Beech Model 18 carrying five passengers. There was no attendant or lavatory. It reached Baguio in 45 minutes. 62. The largest employer in the Philippines other than the government is San Miguel Corporation which has over 39,000 full-time employees. 63. Luneta Hotel, corner T.M. Kalaw and Roxas Blvd is said to be the oldest multi-storyed building in the Philippines |
Salamat, Palaam