October 24, 2024

6 thoughts on “Saturday – 5 Feb 2011

  1. I haven’t run into any celebrities since I’ve
    been in the Philippines, John. Nice photo of
    the group. Sounds like you had quite an
    interesting day. You sure get out more than I
    do. I used to make a pan del sal run every few
    days, but got tired of that, and my niece or
    nephew that live with us do that now. I don’t know
    if my asawa enjoyed hearing about the fuss the
    bake shop girls made over the resident kano,
    but I’m thought I’m stop making the runs just
    in case.

    I haven’t needed a pair of new shoes since
    retiring here in July 2009. I’ll have to check
    out the shoe sizes (and the pretty sales clerks)
    during my next trip to SM City in Iloilo. I
    think all I can find on our island of Guimaras
    are slippers (vinyl sandals.)

    Well, I’m still getting the pop up ads on my
    Firefox browser, but it just delays my getting
    to the story in a few minutes. My comment view
    is still obstructed, but it looks like you’ve
    made some positive changes to the site. Always
    enjoy reading your personal observations on life’
    in the Phils.

    1. I didn’t have to get out for that, they came to me. Cathy is the one that got the picture, I stayed at home. I try to get out some, but I’m more of a home body. If I ever do get those shoes, I will be going to workout 3 or 4 times per week.
      I usually just wear flip flops, but those are hard to work out in and tend to fall apart on a treadmill.
      I get a couple of pop ups on my Firefox also. I looked it up and it says there are some pop ups that Firefox can not stop.
      For the comment view, I had 2 others that upped the resolution in their settings, and took care of the problem..have you tried that?
      Glad you enjoy my writings. I enjoy reading your too at… http://www.philippinesplus.com

  2. Hi JJ. You did it! Now I don’t have to copy-and-paste any of the comments that I want to read to another page [email, word processor, the yahoogroups, etc.] in order to be able to see what went “under” the right margin. Congratulations!

    Looks like Calbayog is a favorite go-to place based on the comments in this blog. You picked a good city.

    Later… I have to read the next one. 🙂

    1. Alright…glad to hear it. As I stated, one of the reasons I made the change was an attempt to correct the problems some of y’all have been having. My latest changes seem to have done the trick, so I’ll try to leave things as is in that area of the blog. I’ve been making plenty of other changes, some seen others unseen or hard to spot.
      The new Calbayog Hotels page should be popular, I went to 6 different hotels and got as many pictures as I thought necessary to give y’all a good idea of what it is currently like here in Calbayog. I did all that AND added 5 of them all in one day, yesterday. So yesterday was one really busy day for me.
      I even got a special spot for you Winda under the Post…Guest Post…page.

  3. Hey john. ty for the info on the Marju Krisel. Wow such cheaps rates for sure compared to what the ceriaco will cost in a month or so. I have looked everywhere for pics or handouts of marju krisel rooms. But as of yet nothing. Another freind of mine who just finished building his retirment home in calbayog told me the rooms are small but well appointed. (whatever that means). As far as im concerned as long as they are clean and have lots of AC then im fine with it. Dont plan on spending much time in doors anyways , right?. Anyhow take care john and I like the way you have set up your sight now. Much easier for me anyways to read. talk again later bud.

    1. Well I have the handout and it was easy to get at the hotel. If I would of had the camera with me I would have taken pictures of it too. Maybe I’ll do that pretty soon, maybe even today, maybe. Lita tells me that there is another smaller hotel just down the road from here by the Monterrey Meat shop. When I do get ready to take pictures of the hotels, maybe I’ll go to both of them…in fact maybe I’ll just go to all the ones I can find here, get current rates, and take whatever pictures of rooms and things that they will let me. That’d be something good for this blog.
      So after I made the change to the blog, you don’t have your little problem with the comments anymore? That was one of my goals I had in mind when I changed it last night.

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