October 23, 2024

9 thoughts on “Wednesday 17 Nov

  1. Just thought I’d let you know how I found your blog. I was viewing another blog I frequent (expatintthephilippines.com) when they posted the top 10 expat blogs (according to gooverseas.com/philippines-blogs). According to Go Overseas, Expat is the #1 blog and yours is #5. I decided to check it out and found that I liked reading your posts on an American’s daily life in the islands.
    I was raised mainly in the southeastern US. You being from Texas, our cultures are fairly similar, your perspective is helpful to me. It helps me know what to expect when I eventually move there.
    Do you like to fish? If not, do any of your family there like to fish? I would like to read something on fishing (at the beach) there.

    1. Okay cool. That is why I try to spread my blog around to as many other expat sites as I can. It must be working.
      I’m going to check out that website, after I finish with this response.
      I don’t really like to fish, at least I didn’t when I had so many other things to do. Now that I don’t have anything else to do, maybe I’ll give it another try. I still don’t like to eat fish, but maybe I can catch some for others to eat. The cousins don’t normally go fishing either, no time. I’ll try to get one or more of them to bring me to a good spot for fishing on a weekend, and see how that goes. At the very least, it’d be something else to blog about.

    2. John,I live about an hour from Calbayog and have sport fished alittle there.You shoud bring your own gear as I have never seen it here.My inlaws are not really interested in that as they fish for a living,most fish are small 6inch but
      have caught a few at 1ft.My inlaws also dive for scallops and oysters,that was alot of fun.

      1. We did send Titing a rod and reel, not a super cheap one, but one you have to put together from a package. We bought it at Wal-Mart. How could you even get gear over here? Bilikbayan box? Or do they make luggage that I could put rods and reels in to bring on the airplane? I told you I’m not a fisherman, but I could give it another try since I really don’t have many things to do anyway these days. There’s got to be places that have fish bigger than 1 foot. I need to make time to go out and do more things. I’d love to learn to scuba dive, wonder how much that would cost?

  2. Good post, especially how PI was back in the day. So a lot has changed since then.

    On having to log in. i read a few blogs, including Live in the Philippines. I havent run across any that required a log in. If it takes more than a little effort, then I probably would get tired of logging in and it would bring down your numbers. Just my view.


    1. Yeah, martial law was in effective back in 1984.
      As for the logging in, all I really want is for people to get registered, if that is going to help attract sponsors. If it doesn’t help or if it’s going to be a pain in the behind for y’all, then it is not necessary. I’m just trying to find a way to attract more people and sponsors. Any ideas or experiences?

      1. Understood. If its a one time registration and I dont get spam from the webstie, not issues. Logging on everyday becomes tedious.

  3. Hi John,Its been awhile since I last read the site since had to travel to alaska.I will have to catch up on you past post.How was your trip, hope you all had a good time with no problems on the drive there and back.How was the road,was it all in good shape.Yes I bet you are waiting for the new hotel to open so hopefully your BBQ will pickup.By the way yesterday when i left kodiak it was 21 degrees and in anchorage it was 12 degrees, way to cold for me.

    1. Glad to have you back. Hope you are all caught up by now.
      No, no major problems on this last trip, like the wheel falling off or anything. I did have a couple of misadventures, but they are all documented in the posts, so you’ll see, or have seen already.
      At least 90% of the road between here and there is still in decent shape.
      I’m thinking it will pick up with the hotel customers anyway. Guess nothing is guaranteed.
      Oh yeah, I’ve been to Alaska. I’ve been to Anchorage, but mostly I was at Shemya, the second to last island out on the Aleutian chain. For some reason it was actually colder over in Anchorage. When it was -30 at Shemya, it was -40 in Anchorage (with wind chill). But who can tell the difference when it that dang cold anyway. All you want to do it get warm. Shemya was an air force base, but it has since closed. Not sure if they still call it Shemya or not, but I think so.

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