October 22, 2024

8 thoughts on “Putting Calbayog on the Map

    1. Thank you. In my opinion, it’s not as nice as your website though. I just starting with blogs a couple of years ago and I’m learning that the more I learn, the less I know. I will continue to try to promote Calbayog City though the best I can. I also like to include other important information about the Philippines at times and just anything that even slightly has anything to do with the Philippines, but Calbayog will always be the main topic of this website.
      Y’all can visit his website at this link: http://discreetmagazine.blogspot.com/2012/04/list-of-hotels-in-calbayog-city.html

  1. I like that map feature John. Here’s a thought maybe you have a version where your posters (if that’s the correct term) can place locations on the map (reviewed by you of course) and then a final version you put on the blog. I think the map would get filled up pretty quick then if that’s your intention.

    1. That would be good Mark, but I don’t know how to do that. I just learned how to do the map I have now and I’m not very good at that.

  2. I checked out your Google map and it is a good start. I think people will find it very useful. The only thing I would suggest is that you color Calbayog proper a lighter shade. Just my two centavos worth.
    There are so many new places to eat now that I think you will have a tough time keeping up on that. 🙂

    I need to update my review of I’s Plant as my review was done before they finished the new addition which is a significant improvement.

    1. I thought that the shade was a bit dark also,but I don’t know how/if you can change it. I haven’t really looked into it, but I guess I can. I know there are a lot of places to eat here now, and more coming, but I’ll do the best I can to keep up. I’m sure that I will be lacking at times since I don’t go downtown that much. Maybe I should just head downtown a couple of times per week just to examine what is going on with things and take pictures of whatever.
      I think I have seen that hospital out there, but I just never took a picture of it. When I get around the the hospital/clinic map, I’ll again try to keep up with them all. I know there are a lot of clinics (including dental clinics) around the downtown area.

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