October 22, 2024

17 thoughts on “Texas Trip – Day 3, Part 2

  1. Mark, that’s a long time to be commuting back and forth. For some reason, I thought you were nearly retired or only had a couple two years left. If you still have 12 years, couldn’t you bring your asawa to the states where she could work and pay into social security? Then again I guess there is no guarantee that SS will still be a viable thing to look forward to. At least you wouldn’t have to support the two households. Someday, our paths will cross and we can share a cold one together.

    1. That’s the plan: to bring her over and let her be the new kid on the block for a change. I have some issues with the ex- and that’s adversely affecting things at the moment. So I’ll be commuting for a bit.

      1. Been there done that with the “ex” thing. It does put a strain on a marriage early on. We all get past it, sometimes it’s just not fast enough.

  2. Randy
    The asawa was so bored on the island that she was getting into arguments with family etc. This will be better for her. It’s temporary but for how long is a good question. I’m not sure just how far out of town it is but it’s still considered Calbayog. Despite the fact we’ve had to incur a few expenses furnishing the place I can sense that she is happier now. I’m not so sure our boy will be though. His cousins kept him fairly busy (entertained, lol). There’s always a trade off. If I could retire now I’d be there in a heart beat however I have 12 more years before Uncle Sam says I can go. My retirement is tied up in company stock which I can’t touch without losing roughly 30-50% in taxes until I do retire. It’s kind of a catch 22. She wants to come to the US and I told her I’d bring her here so that’s that for the time being.
    Mark G.

  3. Wow, going home to PH. Doesn’t seem that long ago that you two were on your way out of there. Can’t wait to see the rest of your photos and read about the rest of the vacation.

    Don’t forget good walking or running shoes, a toaster, and I can’t remember what else you were missing back in Calbayog. Did you get rid of all of your things in storage? Did you have a garage sale?

    Vaya con Dios!

    1. I’ve got some shoes, but we decided we are going to buy any appliances in the PI. We don’t want to mess with the transformers if we don’t have to.
      You’ll have to read the blog to find out about the storage and what happen. I thought I was past that point already, but I could be wrong. Sometimes when I write it down, I think it was already posted.
      We had a few interesting times here, but we will both be glad to get back to some normalcy.

  4. So you’re on your way home soon? Good to know I’ll be getting my daily Calbayog fix again in the near future, lol. The Missus has taken an apartment just north of the city proper and is fairly happy with the convenience the city offers her. When you get all settled in again I’ll have her wander by and introduce herself. You’ll still be across from the Ciriaco I assume, even though the store is closed?

    1. We’ll still be there and a bakery is now in place of the store. We should have 3 or 4 businesses there in a short while, hopefully including the restaurant so I can have monthly expat get togethers. We should be leaving this Sunday (or there abouts), but we don’t know how long we will be stuck in the Travis AFB area.
      We sure will be glad to get back to something normal. A 2 month vacation is too long for us when we don’t have our own place to stay.

    2. Mark, so are you guys now planning on moving into the city of Calbayog? Might make it a little easier to live there and until you get that super yacht running than you can zip back and forth at will. (Passenger Ferry} Let me know when you will be making the move as maybe I can help.

  5. I am suffering for not keeping up with your blog! Missed you coming to Texas??? I am not finished reading yet, hopefully you are still in Texas. If you are I am hoping you could swing through here????? I’d love to see ya’ll! Sherry is here also 🙂 I know it may not be possible. Looks pretty impossible for me to make any trips at the moment, total chaos around here.. one lost a baby and going in hosp Tues.. etc etc etc.. you know how it is around here always drama. Come pack me in your suitcase and take me home with ya’ll!!! 🙂

    1. Well Glenda, we are in the process of returning to the Philippines now. We should be leaving this weekend.
      We were kind of stuck about doing things. We figured we’d be busy, but it turned out to be more than we wanted. My best friend is in the hospital and I can’t even go see him. The car I was using I no longer have and the one I got to replace it I don’t trust to make the trip. We did get a lot of things accomplished here and I figure our next trip will be more of a vacation than business and cleaning up, especially if the blog starts doing well.
      Yeah I know it is always drama around your area. I did not know about a new daughter. It sounds like you adopted her by your statement.
      Okay well I guess we’ll miss you again this time. You can come visit us in the Philippines whenever you want. Just contact me through this blog. I’m limited on luggage, so I can’t pack you in there, sorry.

      1. I do understand you were very busy on this trip. Those type trips are so hectic too! Tell everyone hello for me. Yes I adopted her. Sometimes I feel like it’s more than I can handle but I have to do it.
        Have a safe trip home!

  6. Hi JJ! I was getting updates by individual email on any comments you posted but it stopped. I though you hadn’t had time to go online. What a surprise to find Day 3 part 1 in your website!

    You certainly kept good notes of your trip – so good I couldn’t help mentally urging you on each time you hit a snag. 🙂

    Do you know that there’s free wi-fi at over 11,500 McDonalds? Check your area. I found out by accident on our last roadtrip a few weeks ago. I asked a best buy teenager who was handling their day’s flyer for directions to the nearest internet cafe. He look blankly at me but when I explained, he sent us across the street to McDonalds. And their coffee has been upgraded in the last year or two, too. A far cry frm when I used to take the kids there.

    OK, I’ll wait for your next installment. 🙂 Keep typing!

    1. Howdy again Winda. Yes I started out keeping excellent notes I thought, but I slacked off later as I had things to accomplish here. When I get to that part of the trip, I will have to do a lot from memory.
      Wifi will do me no good without a laptop, which I still can not afford at this time. We have made some strides in completeing everything we need to, but it hasn’t turned out perfect, but what does anyway.
      Right now I am looking at how we will get back. Not sure how we will do it yet because Space A is not very possible from Ft. Hood where we came in at.
      I hope to have at least one more post from here, maybe 2 and I will finish the rest when we return. I have to get the status of the site back up. When you don’t update everyday, things are too slow and the Google rating suffers.

  7. Are you Irish? You must have had a leprechaun on your shoulder during that bit in Yokota, lol. I can’t wait for the next installment of ‘The Perils of UJ + Lita’.
    Mark G.

    1. No Mark we are not Irish, but I’ll have to admit we were very lucky in Korea and Yokota. I hope we didn’t use up all our luck because we will need some of it for the return trip in about 3 or 4 weeks.

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