October 23, 2024

4 thoughts on “2015 – My First 10 Days

  1. Hi UJ- It’s great to read more posts on your website. I’m glad you and Lita are finally back in PH. It will be sad if you and Lita move back in Texas and then changing you blog to like–Texan in Texas? admired you both for enduring life in PH which I doubt I can do the same.

    1. You know Leona I actually thought about my blog when/if we move back. The Texan in Texas didn’t sound like it would be good, except for maybe people that were curious about what the heck it was all about. I also thought of “TitP in Texas”. I don’t know really. Since we are still here, it’s not anything I’m going to worry about unless it happens. I’m glad you enjoy reading what I write. I’m hoping to be able to get more posts out, but I always say that and, so far, have not really done it. I will make another attempt to do so. It would be great if someone out there that has a story about the Philippines would want to share it. I’ve gotten a few posts from others, but not many. This is a link to the first one I ever got, maybe it will inspire someone to write their story to send in: https://texaninthephilippines.com/2012/09/10/metamorphosis-of-a-kano/

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