September 8, 2024

7 thoughts on “Spacing, Selling and Solving

  1. Hi JJ! What happened to the old site? I miss the calendar (again!). You know, I’m unable to visit for some time, then I need to track back and be up to date; the calendar is quite handy for that. Last time I posted a comment was several weeks ago. If I can find that, then I’ll know what I missed. 🙂

    So you’re finally heading back to NorthAm for a visit. Seattle is only two-and-a-half hours drive one way from where I sit. I have no idea what space A means. Something to do with military travel? I need to catch up but this new site takes getting used to for navigation.

    Are you blogging tomorrow?

    1. Howdy Winda. Give this new site a little time. Mess around with it a little while. I think it’s much more user friendly than the last one and after you get use to it, you will be able to navigate around a bit more. If you are still having a hard time with it when I get back from vacation in July, remind me again and I will get you another calendar or something else to make it easy for you to navigate.
      Yes, Space A is traveling via military planes. It’s cheaper and even free, but the schedule is not set and there is no guarantee we will even get seats if there is a flight. Heck even if there are seats, there might not be enough for everyone and being a retiree, I’m at the bottom of the totem pole. I’m not sure we will be going via Seattle. I may be able to find out more information this evening when the passenger terminal Facebook accounts are updated.
      No tomorrow I will not be blogging. We are leaving tomorrow evening from Tacloban and I’ll be too excited and doing last minute things to be able to sit and type. I hope to do a post today though. Maybe in a few hours. I want to be up to date on all information here so I can start fresh with whatever the trip has in store for us.
      You keep reading and I’ll keep blogging.

      1. There is something I particulary like about this new site: the WHOLE width in the comments section is visible. The old one always hid the right margin and the only way I could read a whole post was if I copied the enire post using CTRL A and pasted it elsewhere to see it in its entirety.

        You and Lita have a great trip! Keep us posted when you get to Texas.

        1. See, something positive. I hope you continue to look around. Let me know if there is a problem and I’ll fix it,or get it fixed. Of course I’d like to know other stuff that you like. I’ll bet that copy/paste thing was getting old.
          I will be taking a lot of notes and doing my posts while we are in Texas. It’ll be more like A Texan in the Philippines in Texas, but I’m going to be doing it anyway. My Dad tells me that there have been a lot of changes in the old hometown in the last 2 years since we’ve been there.
          I’m just looking forward to getting out, Tex-Mex, steaks, ‘real’ sandwiches and maybe a Dr. Pepper. I’ll have to do all that, but still not let my weight get out of control. I think I’ll be able to handle it this time around. Being about 65 pounds lighter now than when we first got here sure got me to thinking as to how big I actually WAS. Not again!

          1. Have fun John! I hope the travel works out in your favor. I’ll be in San Antonio tomorrow and Wedsnesday and leaving for Cebu on Thursday and Calbayog next Tuesday. Seems we’re always going in opposite directions, hehe. Have a great time!
            Mark G.

          2. Thanks Mark. As I am explaining in the post I am writing now, we already might have hit a small road block. There are no flights going stateside from Korea on the day we arrive there. At least there are none scheduled at this time, it could change. We don’t mind being stuck in Korea for a day, or even 2, but we would rather get moving and stay moving in the right direction.
            Some day we’ll meet up. If we every get the restaurant going, we will have expat meetings once a month, so you will be able to come to one of those.

          3. Okay … it’s 0919 now and I am going to shut down and unplug the computer. I will check the site again when we get to Osan. Right now it looks like we will be stuck there for 2 days, but you never know. If it gets to be too long, we will run out of money and really be stuck because we don’t have enough money for return tickets if we stay more than 2 or 3 days. I sure hope the flight out of Osan pick up, at least have one we can get on going to Travis. We could stay there until we got a flight we need and only have to worry about food, not lodging. We’ll see and I’ll keep you informed.

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