October 22, 2024

24 thoughts on “Short Brown Beach Out

  1. Your mileage of 15.2km to the Malajog turnoff agrees with my measurement. It is 25km from San Joaquin to the bridge as you enter Calbayog and it is 10km from San Joaquin to the beach turnoff. When we went there last July for my birthday party, we parked at a friend’s house near the turnoff so we didn’t have to drive down the approach road. As you say, that is a horrible stretch. We walked it back and forth and got very muddy. I helped push a multicab that got stuck as it was going back up the road.
    I had no problems that day with being in the water. We were there for 10 hours and I probably spent 6 of those in the water. Some people took a few of the rental kayaks over to the island but I just swam over to it. There were several other kanos there that day and the place was very crowded. We probably had 30 people there for my party and I am sure there were well over 100 people there in total.

    I hope that they fix that road someday. If they want to increase tourism in Samar, things like that have to be taken care of.

    There is another beach further up the highway in Ba’ay which is only a few km from San Joaquin so it would be around 20km from the city. It is called Bayog beach. It is not crowded but the beach area is mostly rocky rather than sandy. Check out the pics in my FB photo album titled JoMary’s 14th Birthday Party. I liked the area and the access road is much better. It has everything that Malajog has and has a nice grassy area before you get to the beach. The only drawback is the rocks instead of sand.


  2. I think the reason they have problems with squatters in the Philippines is because people who own the land doesn’t take the time and money to title the property to their names. Just pay by tax certificate or word of mouth who owns property. I know people who are living on inherited property and not paying taxes because it was never settled. MY wife bought her lot from aunt in 1985 but I would not let her build on it until 2000 and she had title in hand.

  3. I guess we where both wrong. From reading other website Malajog beach belongs to the city. The Mayor says they are going to spend money to improve it. They could not use tax payers money unless it belongs to the city. But the way things work in the Philippines who knows.?

    1. I think the beach area does belong to the city, but the road to get to it is a private road. At least that is what I’ve been able to gather from piecing together information.

  4. There’s a couple of nice little beaches on the islands. Lahong on Santo Nino is nice but could use some policing (Trash cans? What’s that?) but there are no issues with poop. You do have to wear some foot wear in the water just in case you find the remains of a bottle or some sharp coral. The sand is not that soft white stuff but coarser. The spot is very pretty though with a good view of Amalgro and even Calbayog on a clear day. The water is very clear and the swimming is fine.
    Mark G.

    1. I don’t know where that is, but you’d think that they would have some nice beaches on this island somewhere. There must be some here.

      1. Look out to the west and the nearest island is Santo Nino with Amalgro just to the right (north) from your view point. Of course Ciriaco may block your view now a days.
        Mark G.

  5. Well I guess at 80 million poopers in the country and until they learn how to be proper pooper scoopers, the PI will continue to get nastier.

    1. Well it’s not all of them. Only the squatters because they can not afford to get water and most of them do not have electricity either. The government is more concerned about lining their pockets with money instead of helping the people. But when they do help the people, not matter what they get, most of them want more. The owners of the land that allow these people to squat on their land is a fault too.

      1. Actually, I meant that when they(the govm’t) as a whole learns how to scoop all the poop. Can’t blame the poor for govm’t inaction.

  6. I think that road to Malajog is a private road. The people who owns the huts and cottages is the one’s who own it. When I was there in the late sixtys you could swim at any beach but know with all the squatters using the beachs as dumps and toilets I am afraid to go near them.

    1. I’ve heard it is a private road also, but I’ll bet if the government offered to fix it for them, they would accept. If they want people to go to their beach, then they need to do something. Cleaning it up, getting rid of the dogs, cats and chickens wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

  7. In response to your comment about the one hour of “wonderfulness” you had Sunday morning?….Are you not acclimated to the climate yet? I remember after a couple of years on Guam, I used to get cold. Another question: Is the water at Malajog not clean? That’s not too far from we will be living.

    1. I just don’t like being without electricity so long so often. It has nothing to do with the weather, although I’m not fond of the high humidity, I can handle it.
      People throw trash in all the waters around here and it washes up on the beach. As George says in his comment, some of them use the water as a toilet because they have no running water in their squatted houses. I don’t believe Malajog Beach to be that bad though, not yet anyway. I know that if they plan to make Samar a tourist attraction by 2016, they better get their ass in gear and clean up the beaches around here or it doesn’t matter how many new roads they build, the tourist will not come back after their initial visit. I’ve gotten to where I don’t like going to the beaches either because of things like this.

      1. Problem with buying land here that has squatters on it is you are required to relocate the squatters to a like location and domicle, buy the land , get the legal title ad you are faced with no legal rights to run them off, sometimes these squatters are the 4th,5th generation on that land too. Law won’t help you to remove them.

        1. Oh the law will problem help you if you have enough money. Besides the original land owner should be tasked with getting rid of the squatters. It’s their fault they are there to begin with. They do not oversee their land and just let people move on there. A condition of the sale should be that the squatters are taken care of by the current owner, unless the new owner agrees to take care of it, in writing. That’s my opinion on that.

          1. I agree with your opinion but good luck putting it into action, once the squatters are established the current land owner will probably do nothing to remove them.

        2. My wife had to pay her sister in-law hundred thousand pesos to move off our property so we could build our house. Even paid to have old house torn down and moved to new location.

          1. George, here in the south all you would need is a good 4×4 pick-up with a long chain and a shotgun! In most cases, just one will do.

          2. The 4×4 pickup and chain are a good idea, but the shotgun threat just might get you accidentally dead in the middle of the night.

          3. I suspect you mean her “Ex” sister-in-law. I also suspect that so much money had to do with more than just the house. It’s always harder to do something like that to a family member, especially a close one. That’s a pretty sweet deal she got though.

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