September 8, 2024

4 thoughts on “What’s Happening!

    1. Yeah, I wonder who that other blogger is. Someone that I didn’t think would like to have their name there. I could make those the meetings, but then my ultimate goal of having a get together every month would not be achieved. I guess when we do have parties everyone just talks about what’s going on anyway. I’d still like for at least 2 more people to have a party every 4 months (like I do), then we’d have every month covered. Remember though, I have March, July and November already.

      1. Hey John will be back in Calbayog on May 8 and wife is throwing shindig on May 11 if you and Randy are in neighborhood with wives should stop by. Plenty to eat and drink. No hard liquor unless you bring your on bottle.

        1. Well we should be here. I think Randy will be back from Guam at that time also. We should be able to come, I’ll just need to get a ride. We’ve had a few more expats move in since the last time you were here, so maybe a couple of them could stop by also? I might even be able to get a ride from one of them.

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