I have been having such a good blog day today, so I just had to write a special post for it. I have gotten more than double my 2nd best day of views today. Since the blog started it’s my 2nd best week ever too (thanks mostly to today) and it’s only the 2nd day of the week. This new week started on 8 Jun (yesterday). So all that is the good news. The bad news is that it’s not this blog I’m talking about. Although this Texan in the Philippines blog is doing ‘okay’ and I have been getting a few comments recently after being stagnate for so long. No, I’m talking about my UJ Space A Info blog. I’ve got some awesome information there (and most of it is in decent reading format). I’m still working on it, but all the information is there, it’s just a bit harder to read some of the posts.
I figured it out and for the previous 12 weeks, I have been averaging 1908 views per week on that site. So far, just for today, I have gotten 2912 views with still almost 3 1/2 hours to go before the day is over. My previous best was just over 1100 back in January. People in the US are just getting up, heck I will probably more than triple that amount before it over with.
Okay, this is how it all unfolded. When I got up this morning I decided that I needed to try something a little bit different to get more views on at least one of my blogs. I was thinking for both of them, but the one for the UJ Info one came first. Actually the idea for improving this blog has yet to materialize in my mind. Anyway! Recently I have noticed that whenever I put a link on my Space A forum (Space A Travelers of the USA), lots of people were “Liking” them. I started thinking that if they liked just the one link, what would they think about another site that had tons of links about Space A from all over the internet combined into one blog. I guess I got my answer.
The thing that is a little weird to me is that I have been putting this same information on the same forum since I started my Space A blog. I just presented it a little bit different this time and it seems to be a big hit (and viewer). Let me show you exactly what I have been posting.
***On the front page here, I have collected many different Space A links throughout the internet and combined them all on this one page. I also have the links to ALL the military billeting offices, passport information, the Live Update Space A schedule, Travel services that cater to the military, Virtual Roll Call explained, Base Guide links and other things. It’s a good page to check out and of course you can click the different locations to find out specialized information for each Space A location. UJ Space A Info***
Not only am I getting a lot of hits and views on that site, but my UJ Space A Info Facebook page has had at least 7 requests to join today. For me, that’s a record number, but the day is not over yet. Maybe I will actually make it to double digits. Also that link has gotten “Shared” many times. It really is taking on a life of it’s own. I sure hope it continues for a long time.
Now if I could just find a way to get so many visitors and views on this blog, I would be happier, especially if they like checking out ads. I can’t seem to find a way to put ads on that over site and I wish I could because I’m probably missing out on that. There probably is a way to do it, so I’ll keep trying. Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, I will go there after I finish this post.
So if y’all are Space A eligible and you need some information on the different location, check out my Info blog. You can also ask me questions there or on my Space A Info Facebook page. If you want more than just me answering your Space A questions, then you can join our free Space A Travelers of the USA forum and ask everyone there. Actually we have a forum for about just every Space A location throughout the world. If we don’t have one yet, it can be developed. The forum I’ve been talking about is our main forum. By joining the individual forums you can get more specific questions answered for that particular location. It’s really pretty cool.
I’m also in the process of putting together a lot of other Space A related information. I’m not sure exactly what I’m going to do with it yet. I figure I’ll either add it to what I have now, but that might become overwhelming. I could just start another Space A blog and just put links to each on each one of them both. I don’t know yet. The information is out there on the internet. It’s not all easy to find at times, but since I have the time, I’ll do a lot of looking and get it all together for anyone that is interested.
Salamat Y’all