September 10, 2024

10 thoughts on “Watching the Washer Cook

  1. Samelso FB acct is showing a Scheduled brown out 6am – 10 am Friday, 6am – 6 pm Sat for line maintenance

    1. I heard about the one Saturday, but not tomorrow. Line maintenance is always their excuse. You’d think they’d have them all repaired and/or replaced by now.

  2. Lefthand side column sign up for registration WordPress they allow a profile photo installed once you are registered but current settings on the site show no new registrations being accepted if you try to register now. It does allow a currently registered id to sign in but not new registrations.

    1. Okay, I think I have the registration thing fixed now. So I will remember the way to get the picture. They must register first. Cool. Thanks Rick.

    1. Thank you Blair. It turned out good at the end, but it was pretty lousy for most of the day.
      Are you already here in the PI? You should be, I just haven’t heard if u r or not.

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