During this Holy Week, we have not had the restaurant open. Most of the food we serve has some type of meat in it. Since about 85% of the people in the Philippines are Catholic, and they don’t eat meat then, well we figured it wouldn’t be worth opening up. We are just going to open back up on 1 April and go from there. When we are open we do alright, but nothing fantastic. Sometimes the regular food does better and sometimes the BBQ does better. I haven’t figured out a pattern yet, but, like I said before, it’s not really my thing. Judith does the regular food and Lita does the BBQ. I let them worry about it.
While I was outside on one of my little leg stretching sessions, I noticed a new sign had been put up by the Ciriaco Hotel parking lot entrance. I went back into the house to get my camera before I forgot. I wanted to be sure that I got that information out to y’all as soon as I could. It seems that the Ciriaco is adding a name to it’s title. It will now be Ciriaco Hotel, Resort and Spa.
I took a picture of it, but then I accidentally deleted it. So hopefully I remembered to go out tomorrow and get another picture and insert it in here before this thing publishes. If you see the picture above, I remembered. If you don’t, well obviously I forgot again. I hope you can see the picture.
A short, kind of funny story about that sign. When I went to take the picture that was deleted, I walked to the back to ask the security guard about the exact location of the Spa. I asked if it was going to be up front, to the left of the hotel (to the right while facing it) and he said “Yes”. Just to be sure he understood me correctly, I asked if it was going to be in the back where the construction is now going on. Of course he said “Yes”. So I asked, “Is it going to be up here or back here”? Yep, you guessed it, he said “Yes”. Obviously he does not understand English and he was just being polite, like most Filipinos do. It’s good to be polite, but I would really them tell me that they do not understand and be done with it. That way I won’t be repeating myself or, worse yet, get the wrong information.
Yes, I know, I’m the one that should learn the language because I’m the one in another country. After being married for 33 years (April 7th), if I haven’t learned by now, well most likely I never will learn Tagalog. Besides, if someone talks to me in Tagalog, I always let them know that I don’t understand or get it translated if someone is around to do it for me.
I had a big problem with my computer today. Whenever I would log on and try to get to one of my blogs, they would not display properly. Everything was scrunched up and moved over to my left. I went to a different site and it also did not work. It seemed that if I went to a well established site like Google, Yahoo or Facebook, they worked fine. I have no idea what the problem was and I still don’t, but at least it is working now.
What I did, and I don’t know if this did any good, was to load a different virus detector. To my way of thinking at the time, I had some kind of virus that was causing the problem. So I download Microsoft Security Essentials. I had some difficulty downloading it because I need to load 3 more files, it seems, before it would finally download. Of course it would not load all 3 of the files at the same time. The reason I say 3 files is because after I loaded 3 different files, it finally decided to download. It didn’t tell me it needed 3 files, but that is what I ended up doing. I don’t know if I’m going to keep it though because the last time I checked, it would not update.
I do not want to check it right now because I am downloading a video to You Tube and that takes long enough. It’s going to take approximately 6 hours to download 1 video. There’s got to be something I’m doing wrong, right? IF the download doesn’t error out, it says it will be at this location. By the time you read this, if it worked, it will be there. I have one more video to upload, but it says that it will take approximately 12 hours to upload. I’ll have to start that one early in the morning and just let it run all day. I plan to make 1 or 2 more videos pretty quick here and put them on there also. Just today, I monetized all the videos that I put on You Tube so I suppose there will be an ad on it when you watch it. I never had one on it before, but maybe it will bring in another dollar something per month.
Adding in here there next day, both videos are now done. The 2nd one is at this location.
That’s all I have for my new little Journal section. I will explain more about what’s going on with that in the next Journal post. It’s part of my new streamlining effort.
Salamat, Y’all
By the way.
That guest post I did for Live in the Philippines is published. If you want to check it out it’s at: http://liveinthephilippines.com/content/calbayog-city-growing-by-leaps-and-bounds/
For any Expat that will be in the Calbayog City area, this is a reminder of my first Expat get together on 12 April, 6pm. At my house, across from the Ciriaco Hotel.
https://my.avast.com/ link to the website and free antivirus i have used for years trouble free, just read careful what you click on as downloading to stay on the free version I have had problems using IE to open your site last cople days been having to use Chrome to open your site, In IE i get a message IE can’t open your site, then whole page closes.
I have also been using the free version of avast for years trouble free. At work, we use the paid version of Avast but that is because the company is paying for it. 🙂
I saw that Avast, but didn’t do it for some reason. I was thinking of giving it a try though. Since both you and Gary have not had a problem with it, I just might go for it. Now I have a good link so I don’t have to look it up either.
As of the IE. Well I usually do not have IE on my computer, but just a couple of days ago I tried to install it. I don’t think it worked correctly, so I’ll go check that out and try to correct whatever I did.