October 12, 2024

3 thoughts on “Zine Entry #7

  1. https://my.avast.com/ link to the website and free antivirus i have used for years trouble free, just read careful what you click on as downloading to stay on the free version I have had problems using IE to open your site last cople days been having to use Chrome to open your site, In IE i get a message IE can’t open your site, then whole page closes.

    1. Rick,
      I have also been using the free version of avast for years trouble free. At work, we use the paid version of Avast but that is because the company is paying for it. 🙂

    2. I saw that Avast, but didn’t do it for some reason. I was thinking of giving it a try though. Since both you and Gary have not had a problem with it, I just might go for it. Now I have a good link so I don’t have to look it up either.
      As of the IE. Well I usually do not have IE on my computer, but just a couple of days ago I tried to install it. I don’t think it worked correctly, so I’ll go check that out and try to correct whatever I did.

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